Thursday, January 12, 2012


Kindness Bars

I'm always a proud mother, but this morning.... it was an extra special moment.  As I do every morning (well, almost every morning), I walked Madison to her car, seeing her off with hugs and I Love You's to begin her departure into another day.  Pause...the item she forgot.  This is a daily occurance and I must say she comes by it honestly. While I am waiting at her car I see a box of nutrition bars in the floorboard behind her seat.  She's a stickler for a spotless car so when she returned with scarf in hand I inquired about the bars.  Nonchalantly, because for her it really is natural, she tells me that they are for the homeless.  She is feeding the homeless! This brief conversation reminds her to pick up another flavor after school today.  Yep. She likes to offer them a variety of flavors. Madi's concern for the homeless began as a little bitty girl, just tall enough to see out of the car windows.  She doesn't care why they are homeless and passes no judgement on them.  If they are homeless she feels a sense of responsibility to help them.  And so she does...