New uniforms and clothes, the smell of freshly printed composition journals, the new pens and funky pencils, the excitement in their eyes ~ I love the beginning of a new school year!!!
My son, Schaeffer, is off and running as a new 1st grader at Frank Elementary. His favorite "class" remains recess and he's most concerned with the gift that his friend (hint: girl...) has given him and how to show appropriately express his appreciation. Will he give her back the gift (not suggested during our family dinner last night), will he surrender his new yellow motorcycle eraser, or will he purchase a new gift for her. The stress of it all!! It's been an ongoing love saga since Pre-K.
Madi, my daughter, is in her 11th year at Awty International and we now begin the serious work of the official IB program along with the journey of college selections. So this morning.... well, I couldn't be more blessed to have a teenager who sees me leaving a meeting at her school, waits for me to come out, and asks me to walk her to class just so we can "chat". Then, she willingly and without prompting gives me a hug and a kiss, and proceeds to yell out of the classroom door, "I Love You, Mommy!". Seriously???!!!! WOW! HONORED to be her mommy!!!
Speaking of Awty, we have a new headmaster and I couldn't be more thrilled!! He's an academic scholar I've followed for quite some time so one can imagine my excitement over his arrival. I'm like a kid in a candy store. I walk around the campus just hoping to run into him. No, I am not stalking him. I've not even officially met him just yet. I'm controlling myself. Thank you. Yes, it's hard. He's so smart and I just can't wait to hear what comes out of his smart mouth from his smart brain!!! Pitiful, I know. To justify my obsession, I'll say that it might be similar to a young monk awaiting his first meeting with The Dalai Lama. Yes, it's THAT cool!!!
Cheers ~ stef